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QUESTIONS FOR “The Address” by Marga Minco (see duotang)
1. What is the activating circumstance of the story?
2.What is the climax?
3.What is the role of the denouement in this story?
4.How altruistic was Mrs. Dorling? Prove with egs/quotes
5. What does the narrator mean by her last sentence?
6.Why didn’t she stay to ask for her things back?
7. What does the element of “flashback” contribute to the story?
8.What do these items symbolize to the narrator? To Dorling? To the teenaged girl?

"Love Must Not Be Forgotten"
Research Groups:
1. You will be creating a Pecha Kucha (each student will talk to 3 slides/images of 20 seconds each). All the slides will be put together into a Pecha Kucha format as indicated in class. There are some videos that will show you how to auto-advance your slides as you speak). You will be given time on Nov. 10 to work.
2. What will you say during the 3 slides? you will either present some research you found about your topic or relate it to the theme of the short story "Love Must Not Be Forgotten". You may have interviewed a person who experienced the Cultural Revolution and relay some of the stories that they told you concerning your topic. Your group should rehearse the timing together on Nov. 10 so it is polished and smooth and so that the transitions are not bumpy.
3. Bring a USB key with your slide presentation to class on Nov 13. (backup plan: email yourself, put the keynote/powerpoint in the cloud, put on USB key and send to all the members too)

  1. SOCIAL CONTEXT of the cultural revolution: what were the social attitudes at the time? The role of women? Men? Family?

  2. POLITICAL CONTEXT: what was the political situation like at the time?

  3. CULTURAL CONTEXT: what were the values of the culture at the time?

  4. HISTORICAL: what is the history behind the Cultural Revolution? What led to this movement?

  5. SOCIAL CONTEXT of the cultural revolution: what were the social attitudes at the time? The role of women? Men? Family?

  6. HISTORICAL: what is the history behind the cultural revolution? What are some of the things that have persisted since the cultural revolution into today?

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