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ENGLISH 11 ENRICHED - CREATIVE WRITING                                              MEN- - 11ENR


English 11 Enriched - Creative Writing is designed for students who are interested in using writing for self-expression and various creative purposes. Here the emphasis will be on stylistics, critical analysis, creative writing, timed writing and a broad breadth of literature inclusive of a summer reading agenda prior to entering the course. This course is strongly recommended to students who are considering taking any AP courses offered within the English department.  The course provides students with in-depth opportunities to become better writers through the exploration of personal and cultural identities, memories, and stories in a wide range of genres. Within a supportive community, students will collaborate and develop their skills through writing and design processes. This course is grounded in the exploration and application of writing processes, inviting students to express themselves creatively as they experiment with, reflect on, extend, and refine their writing.

This 4 credit course builds on and complements skills learned in English 10 Enriched - Creative Writing and New Media.


My website:

Please check my google course calendar for due dates, homework, readings, exams and project details.  The calendar is optimally viewed on a desktop; but on a mobile device you must scroll. 

You can follow the Creative Writing google calendar using this link.

My email: should be used for submissions of video projects and big files as the vsb mail sometimes blocks these large files.


Learners will be working towards mastery of three cross-curricular CREATIVE WRITING CORE COMPETENCIES, as well as subject-specific content and skills. 


**There will be much writing**




    • essay types, readings & in-class practice

    • writing processes, structure, elements of style, usage and conventions, research and citation

    • literary response/analysis; timed writes in class

    • seminar discussions


    • short stories, novels, plays

    • literary elements and analysis

    • close readings, comprehension strategies, interpretation

    • community inquiry projects


    • literary devices, elements of style, language features

    • critical response to poetry: analysis, oral participation and readings

    • creative writing, exploration of voice


    • digital literacy, interpretation and use of print and non-print texts

    • digital citizenship

    • metacognitive strategies

    • oral language strategies

    • blogging, social media and self-publishing


    • grammatical conventions, usage, editing

    • literary elements and devices

  • ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES:  guest speakers (writers/published authors, careers in the field of writing), field trips, Poetry in Voice, writing contests, New Shoots seminars by a mentor from UBC’s Masters of Fine Arts/Creative Writing dept


ASSESSMENT FOR EACH TERM REPORT (each term weighted equally)

                                                                                                            % OF TERM

Participation (learning readiness, oral, individual & group)                             10

Quizzes                                                                                                              15

Assignments                                                                                                       25

Unit Exams                                                                                                         50



Assignments will be penalized for being late (10%/day; subject to circumstances)


Students will write two provincial assessments during their Graduation years (10-12): one in literacy and one in numeracy.  Provincial assessments will continue to be rigorous. 

Literacy and numeracy are core skills that cut across every subject—the keys to success in university, college, and careers.  We will make sure students can show what they have learned—and apply it. 



  • READING:  in addition to work assigned, regular EXTRA-CURRICULAR READING is expected.   Please view my online reading program for resources.

  • SMARTPHONE POLICY:  students at the start of class should have their phones in their backpacks, or out of sight; in silent mode/turned off.  When I have a class activity that requires devices (such as an online quiz or research) you can bring them out to use when I tell you; but the devices must be used only for the activity. After the activity, devices should be put away again.

  • PARTICIPATION:  English shall be spoken in the English classroom.  Oral participation in discussions and seminars is an integral part of assessment.  You are required to participate orally on a day to day basis.

  • ATTENDANCE:  Arrive on time and in “learning readiness” mode with all your supplies (pens, paper, texts.)  If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed.  Check the google calendar on my site to see what readings/assignments you missed so you do not get behind in your studies.

       Notes from home that fully explain absences are essential to allow for make-up tests and assignments.

  • PLAGIARISM and cheating will not be tolerated.  Students will receive a zero and will be disciplined according to school policy.  Please see school agenda for policy. Here is a link that clarifies what plagiarism is:


    • A 3-ring binder with PLENTY of loose-leaf paper in that binder (for note-taking)

    • Pens (blue and/or black)

    • Art supplies may be required for projects

    • **Please purchase a 100 page (or more) spiral notebook (8.5”x11”) which will be stored in class for use during classroom journaling and writing exercises (a duotang filled with looseleaf paper is acceptable as well)

IF YOU HAVE A TUTOR:  Ideally, your English tutor should assess your comprehension and composition skills and endeavour to assign his/her own original assignments and lesson plans.   Grammar and usage problems can be addressed through the tutor’s own original lesson plans and resources.  Composition skills can be improved through extracurricular novel reading, writing response and discussion.   It is inappropriate for a tutor to help with school homework by writing a student’s essays, providing ideas for assignments or editing drafts to the point where it becomes the tutor’s work.  If your tutor is not providing you with original lesson plans that are tailored to your learning style and needs, you are NOT getting your money’s worth.


I look forward to mentoring you this year during your journey of learning. LK

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